Monday, December 22, 2008

Enough with the snow!

It snowed all weekend here! The kids were released from school two hours early on Friday and have a 90 minute delay this morning. Our driveway is already full of snow and if it snows more I'm not sure where we'll put it. I hate cold and the snow is pretty for about 10 minutes but then it's just annoying. Probably, at this point, more annoying given how tired I am. We're still having serious sleep issues and I'm dumb enough to be trying to get a million things done for Christmas while Keeghan naps. I did try, yesterday to lay down for a half hour but that didn't work out as Doug was out trying to pick up the Christmas picture I'd taken of the kids and there were issues.

Keeghan hasn't really been out in the snow except for being carried to and from the car. At this point it's deep enough that she'd just plain get lost if I put her down. I'm sure I'll do it at some point and I'll let you know what happens.

Now I just need to get the kids stuff wrapped for Christmas...

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