Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And to all a goodnight

I'm almost afraid to say it, but it seems we slept last night. Keeghan crashed on my lap (while we girls were piled in my bed watching the Grinch) about 9. I put her in the pack and play and told the girls I was going to fall asleep and they should head to bed when the show was over. Well the next time I heard from Keeghan was about 1. I patted her back and she went back to sleep until 3:30. Again, some back patting and more sleep...until almost 6! I'm not sure how we managed it or why, but it was awesome. I'm certainly not counting on it happening again but keep your fingers crossed.

We're settling in at home. The kids love one another and have a good time playing together. Keeghan LOVES to climb in things (baskets, boxes, toys...whatever). The other night she was in a laundry basket and Carson was pushing her back and forth while Keeghan and Devon were "head butting" one another. It was damn cute. They love to imitate one another with funny faces and noises. I took Keeghan into the elementary school yesterday morning and she was a hit. She tromped around in her squeaky shoes giving up plenty of smiles. AND she got to meet Carson's classmates.

I think we're about ready for Christmas. I've baked and managed Christmas cards. Thanks to some serious help from Val, my wrapping is done! I sent brownies and banana bread into Kennedy's teachers and one of them thinks I'm nuts being home with a new child, having 4 kids and baking. I think I just love being a Mom!

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