Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've been remiss

I know, updates have been few and far between.  Perhaps because we've hit our new normal...only took 2 years.  I feel, most days, like I'm functioning well.  I don't forget as much (though I almost walked out of the grocery store without milk yesterday) and I am put together most days.  The kids certainly keep me going.  The 3 big kids are playing sports and involved in school stuff which means I run around picking them up and dropping them off places.  And that also means Keeghan gets dragged around picking kids up and dropping them off.  It's fortunate that she's a good sport about that.  And she does enjoy watching her brother and sisters play soccer or basketball. 

Keeghan is doing ok with school.  She's still clingy when I drop her off and typically needs a teacher to take her by the hand to get her into school.  I'm sure the crazy Christmas hours I worked as well as Christmas break and all the crazy snow days we've had are partially responsible for that.  This morning, on the way to school she proudly announced she was "going to let go your leg Mama".  Oooorrrrrr she was going to grab onto me and not let go at all.  She doesn't cry and when I pick her up she tells me about all the fun she had at school but I still cringe when I have to peel her off my leg : (

Sleep...still a challenge.  Keeghan is still in a crib.  I've tried enticing her into a bed.  I've offered the chance to pick a new toy, sheets, blankets.  I've even offered her the silk quilt from China that's hanging on her wall.  No dice.  "I wanna sleep  my cribby!"  That's pretty much what I get.  Keeghan's big...40lbs and 41ish inches tall.  She barely fits in the crib and if we slept all night 98% of the time I wouldn't care.  But we're up once or twice a night to fix blankets or cause Keeghan is "all done".  Ugh.  I thought I'd solved our sleep issues a while back but clearly that's not the case.  I guess, at this point, she'll stay in a crib until we're sleeping better and then I'll screw that all up by taking the crib away.  One challenge at a time. 

Keeghan continues to amaze us with how smart she is.  She knows her letters (most upper and lower case), her numbers, colors, shapes (I was told the other day her crib is rectangle shaped), and how to count in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.  She will "read" a book using the story she's heard (she LOVES to be read to) and picture clues and even has a book or two totally memorized.  She can write a few letters (K and E are two of them) and knows some letter sounds.  She loves to dance and listen to music and has come to like watching Kai Lan, Dora, Calliou, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and our Believe DVD (the Shamu show).  She does not like the snow but is good about putting on a hat and mittens when we go out in the cold.  She still needs time to take in her surroundings before adventuring away from me.  She loves to sit on my lap and is perfectly happy to cuddle but doesn't love giving hugs or kisses.  I try not to push it by constantly asking for hugs or kisses.  It's not worth it making her resent physical contact.  I know I'm not a fan of people touching me all the time so I can relate. 

Speaking of which, little Miss Princess wants to sit on my lap so that'll end this long over due update!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That face is pretty much what Keeghan thinks of the snow "I no lik-a snow."  I'm with her there...I no like the snow either.
Christmas Eve 2010...in their new jammies

We're on snow day 3 from school out of the last 4 possible school days.  K hasn't been to school in a week.  We were cuddled up on my bed this morning and I couldn't help but wonder how I got lucky enough to be the Mama of this beautiful little girl.