Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, New Year here in the US anyway. Chinese New Year is the end of the month and we'll be celebrating that for sure. I, personally, spent New Year's Eve throwing up...not so fun especially when certain 17 month old little girls didn't think sleeping was such a good idea and that climbing all over Mommy who felt awful was way more fun. New Year's Day was a tough after not feeling well and not sleeping well either. We made it through though and have slept a bit better again the past two nights. We are still waking up a few times a night and typically go right back to sleep but now Keeghan also has a cold which is adding to the trouble.

Last night we had Val and her crew over for dinner which went pretty well. Then we traded girls and had sleepovers. Keeghan was thinking we were up for the day at 5:30 but I finally got her settled back down just before 7 and decided a run and shower were more essential than sleep and I was right. Got done just in time for Miss K to be awake. We had some breakfast and then went out to do a few errands. The big girls came along and we got to see some people at work that I hadn't seen since I've been back. It was awesome to see Mark and Kelly! Then we were home for a nap but got to see some other friends this afternoon. Some college friends who have two bio boys and also a daughter from China came to meet Keeghan. Keeghan was completely fascinated with Shoshi. I think someone who looked like her was a welcome reprieve from we crazy blond people. We had a great visit! Ok, now we're standing on a box of cheerios so I have to go...

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