Monday, June 1, 2009

Type A

That's my personality. I hate being wrong. I'm a control freak. I like order. All things I'll freely admit. No, I'm not one of those people who keep an immaculate house (though I'd LOVE it if I could manage that) because I think time with my kids is more important than being able to eat off the floors. That said, my groove is gone. I'm wondering how I managed three toddlers at once when Devon, Kennedy and Carson were little cause I'm having a crazy tough time with one! We were in a pretty easy place with "the big kids" (as I often now call them) where they were somewhat self sufficient and I could keep track of myself and all their stuff. These days, however, I can't seem to keep track of myself never mind myself, four kids, and a husband. I used to have time to think, make lists, make lists of lists, remember to buy milk and eggs, paint my nails, pee or shower by myself, read a book, clean or just not worry. These days, however, I don't have the luxury to do any of those things. I'm mentally and emotionally drained and not sure how to get past this. I miss myself and hate feeling so off. I'm constantly forgetting things or messing stuff up and I'm blaming it on baby brain. Hopefully we'll be headed on an upswing sometime soon.

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