Thursday, November 5, 2009


That's Keeghan's new word. Most Moms don't want their 2 year old announcing "MINE" about things because they can be obstinate little things when it comes to words like mine and no. I, however, am thrilled that Keeghan has learned "mine". She spent 16 months in an orphanage where nothing was hers. She shared everything I'm sure. I saw the room she got to play in and there were probably 15 toys in there...and at least 10 kids. So, this morning, when she told me her lollipop was "mine". I smiled and said, "Yes, that's yours.".

Keeghan has also started to become possessive of me : ) If one of the other kids is getting my attention while I'm holding Keeghan she gets a bit annoyed. Carson gave me a hug yesterday while Keeghan was on my lap and Keeghan yelled "NO" and tried to hit Carson. I told Keeghan that I was Carson's Mama too and we could share...that I love Keeghan but that I love Carson too. Then we had a group hug : )

We are certainly seeing more of a 2 year old personality coming out. Devon asked me tonight why Keeghan was being so difficult. I'm certainly not 100% sure but I suspect now that she is comfortable with us and feels safe that she is willing to be a 2 year old...throwing a fit when she's not getting her way or telling you "NO" if she doesn't like something. BUT we also get to see the fun side of Keeghan as well. Her smile lights up her face and her giggle is contagious. She's an amazing little girl and we are so lucky to have her as ours.

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