Monday, November 2, 2009


We are having a tough tough week. I'm not sure if Keeghan isn't feeling well or is cutting teeth or if it's something else but I pretty much have to be standing up holding Keeghan for her not to be screaming. I get a break or two here and there but these moments of her "losing it" are very difficult. Keeghan doesn't have the verbal skills to tell us what's wrong and much to my dismay I'm not a mind reader. She hasn't been sleeping well and is getting up really early. It's tough. I'm hoping it's just teeth or whatever cold is going around and we'll be over it soon.

The princess did go out trick or treating for a bit Saturday night. She certainly loves "nandy" so that made it all worth it for her. She did NOT love the Tinkerbell dress, but I sure did : ) She looked dang cute and did a great job of saying "trick or treat" and "thenk you".

1 comment:

vandermeer said...

She is too cute! Love the costume...that is what Jenna wanted Ella to be but we ended up being a Lady Bug. Ella loved the whole Trick or Treat thing also. Take care. Love seeing all the pictures! Carol