Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas last year was great just because I'd made it home from China with Keeghan so we were all together. Keeghan and I were jet lagged and still adjusting to US time. Keeghan was still totally overwhelmed with all the changes that were going on but it was great to have her home for Christmas.

This year was great fun! Keeghan kinda gets the whole Christmas thing. She was excited for presents (and was just asking me for more presents!) and had fun playing with her new things. It took a good 5 hours for her to get all her things opened this morning. Not because there were so many things but because she wanted to play and for the most part we let her. No need to force her to rip through presents and not enjoy her new things. Keeghan is just catching on to things being "MINE" and I think she likes the idea. Some of the big hits of the day were the Tickle Me Elmo, an "electric" guitar, a Fisher Price laptop, and a play microwave.

Keeghan was up on the early usual. Carson was up with her and Kennedy was up soon after so we sent Keeghan to wake up her brother so we could enjoy Christmas morning together. Keeghan knocked on Devon's door, opened it and promptly went "boom" onto Devon. So much for a gentle wake up! The big kids were terrific about getting up nicely and they got stuff they loved so everyone had a good morning.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and had a chance to spend time with their families and friends today...I know I did! I do have pictures but I'll post those another time as I need to get the little princess off to bed.

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