Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank you...

That's Keeghan's new phrase. She says it mostly at the right time but will sometimes just randomly call out to you and then say "thenk you" in the cutest sing-song voice. I'll have to get it on video cause it's SO SO cute! I have a million other things I should talk about but I'm beat and I just wanted to put up a few new photos and blog about the thank you thing before I forgot.

Keeghan's way of eating oreos...peel in half...
...and eat only the middle...then give the cookie part to the dog!

So beautiful!!

And mostly happy : )

These pictures are from the other day (when it actually wasn't raining) out on our trampoline:

I played with the color on this one obviously...

She can somersault...and did it right off our bed this morning. Good thing Baba moves quick and caught her cause Mama had a heart attack!
Clapping for her Jie Jie's jumping skills

: p


And cuteness!

1 comment:

Yoli said...

My goodness she is beautiful!