Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7 months

Keeghan's been with us for 7 months now. We still have good days and bad days. It actually seems to happen that we'll have a good couple of weeks and then a bad one. And a bad week usually means Keeghan is very clingy with me all day and then does not sleep well either which makes me VERY cranky. I do get a bit more of a break these days since the big kids are home for the summer and they can sometimes distract her even when she's being overly cranky.

It seems, however, after we have one of those tough weeks we end up a bit ahead of where we might have been attachment wise before said week. We're just getting past a bad week (last night was the first night that Keeghan wasn't impossible to get to bed and then up at all hours) and she's been pretty cuddly with me today. Earlier she scared herself by flipping backwards while I was holding her and almost falling out of my arms. She was pretty dramatic about the crying afterwards so after a couple minutes of comforting her I took my hand off her back to do something else (while still holding her) and she grabbed my hand and put it back on her back so I could rub it and put her head on my shoulder. She is not typically that interested in cuddling like that with me. I do get some of that when I put her to bed and she'll settle into me once in a while while reading a book, but overall, she's not cuddly.

Affection is another thing that we're still working on. I refuse to force hugs and kisses and cuddles. She generally calls to everyone to kiss them goodnight before bed and will typically kiss Doug when he leaves for work in the morning but we don't insist on it if she isn't interested. We do make sure we touch and make physical contact as much as possible and try to make the contact positive. I carry Keeghan alot and have since I got her. She's heavy (30lbs) and all the carrying is taking a toll on my back and wrists. I'm pretty sure I've developed carpal tunnel in my right wrist and my back is telling me all this baby carrying isn't so good but I need to be doing what's best for Keeghan so I'll keep at it.

Keeghan's had some fun adventures over the past few weeks. Doug put the bike seat on my bike and has taken her for a few rides. She likes that and loves going for a run with me in the jogging stroller (she'll sometimes climb in the stroller and ask to go for a run). We've been to the beach a few times and Keeghan is enjoying that more...the big kids will dig her a hole and fill it with water to play in. She's not a fan of the ocean but does like jumping in a puddle of water : ) Doug also took the kids out in kayaks last weekend and Keeghan seemed to enjoy that as well. We still let her take the lead on whether or not she's willing to try something out. Generally if you give her enough time to warm up to an idea she'll try it out.

She was certainly meant to be ours...she loves to dance and listen to music, is VERY persistent, likes to eat, loves to be on the go and likes water in small doses : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to think of how much has happened in the past year!