Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How did I get so lucky?

I know I keep saying that but seriously...what did I do to deserve such a cute, funny, smart, generally good natured little girl. When your biological kids do something (good or bad) you can take credit, but that's just not the case here. I just got plain lucky! Keeghan is constantly amazing us with all she can do. It only takes her seeing us do something once and she picks it up. She can sort the shapes into the shape sorter we have. She loves to look at books and will take my finger to "point" at what she wants me to talk about when we read. She can climb on the futon in our family room and make it all the way up the stairs. She gets when I am gone and doesn't like it one bit. She will lie down if you tell her you are going to change her diaper (and tried to do that in the middle of a store in the mall the other day!). She'll crawl on the floor and play doggie...barking and all. She's really fun to watch but more fun, is seeing her with the resident entertainment committee...her brother and sisters. The kids all love to play with Keeghan and have been incredible helpers. Again...how did I get so lucky?

Some pictures:

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