That's what time
Keeghan thought was good to get up this morning. UGH. I was sound asleep and she woke up crying. I thought it was still the middle of the night and tried to lay her back down but she wasn't having ANY of that so I changed her and tried again. Nope. Finally I decided to figure out what time it was and saw it was I gave up. We played on my bed a bit before I got in the shower and got us ready for breakfast. I didn't want to eat so early that we would need lunch at 10 so I
stretched things out until 7. We found some travel mates at breakfast and joined them.
Keeghan ate a ton (which she hadn't been doing as much of...but I discovered she just cut a tooth so that may have been why) and then we went to the playroom for a bit. About 9:30 we came back to our room and I decided we'd walk to Starbucks so I could wait a bit before putting
Keeghan down for a nap. We came back to discover that Doug and the kids are without power again...thanks again to Val and Craig for coming to the rescue and housing my kids and offering their help!! I know Doug could have been fine without them but I really don't know how we'll repay them! Well, I guess we'll eventually let them hold
Keeghan : )
I'm currently stuck in my room until I hear from my guide that our US Consulate paperwork is all set. I just put
Keeghan down and she's finally asleep. I'm hoping she'll take an hour or so nap and then we'll find some lunch...assuming we're released! Here's some of the promised pictures:

This is a building in the front courtyard area...nine floors (but only from the outside) as nine is lucky. There is an urn kind of thing in front of this building that you try and throw a coin into a little slot for good luck...after several attempts we all made it.

This is a picture of that ceremony I was talking can sort of see the coolers with the animals lined up and the Monks in the background. We were asked not to take direct pictures of the Monks.

This is a female
Buddha...she is the one to pray to/worship when you want to have a child...guess she and I are pretty close : )
Keeghan and I in the main hall with the three Buddhas behind us.

Getting blessed. Our guide was good enough to take pictures of this for us.
And a few other random pictures for your viewing pleasure:

The view from our hotel room...really pretty and at night it's amazing with all the lights. A bit
Las Vegas like.

See my red squeaky shoes??? They really squeak when I walk.

This is my happy face.
Hmmm, what's this???

This is my unhappy face.
I'm not too sure what this is but it sure is fun to play with!
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