Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where we're at

Keeghan is really becoming quite a little character lately.  She is much less shy than she used to be and is willing to try some new things.  She's come to like playing in the snow (assuming it's not too cold was too cold and she was back in pretty quick) and has even done some sledding.  She'll run like a mad woman at the indoor playground at the mall where before she would go down the smallest slide IF you stood with her while she did it.  The other day she was running around, going down slides, jumping off things and dancing.  Quite a difference!  I'm hoping that this means our upcoming trip to Disney World will not be a week of Keeghan clinging to my leg and not going on any rides.  We will see...

Sleep is still a challenge.  We are up at least once a night to "fix my blankies" and I'm past done with that.  I'm not convinced moving her to a bed will mean better sleeping so Keeghan is still in her crib.  But I'm not really sure where to go at this point.  She does (99.9%) of the time go right back to sleep but I don't.  I end up awake for hours which is not fun.  There's only so many Jersey Shore re-runs one can watch at 3am.

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