Yesterday started out pretty normally. Got up, went for a run, showered, went to work. The big girls had a soccer game in Bow (AGAIN) and I decided since it had stopped raining that I'd go and let Keeghan nap in the car. OR she could fall asleep and wake up in a coughing fit ten minutes later (she's got another cold) and not go back to sleep. It was a great game but Keeghan was DONE by halftime. She was exhausted and I just kept hoping she'd fall asleep on the way home so we could make it through the afternoon without me having a meltdown. She crashed pretty early on in the car ride. Doug called and ordered pizza for the kids for dinner so we could get home and feed them without having to figure out what we were cooking. Well, we stop to get the pizza and Doug discovers there is a kitten under the dumpster outside. I see him looking but realize he can't get his hands on the cat so I just stay in the car. Of course, Kennedy and Carson figure out what's going on and the kitten comes out to eat (someone had put a can of food right by the dumpster) and freak out that I need to go get the kitty. Keeghan was still sleeping and Doug was still waiting on pizza so I got out of the car to investigate. I go over to the dumpster and the kitten runs back under so I get on the ground and discover there are actually TWO kittens. UGH. Doug came back out and we decided we had to try and get the kitties out. Kennedy and Carson got out of the car at this point and Doug gave them shirts to try and help catch the kitties. Well I get down on the ground with a long stick and try getting kitty one out...of course he runs towards me instead of out the other side where Doug, Kennedy and Carson are. Thank goodness I moved quickly and grabbed him. Unfortunately, that did not make the kitty too happy and hit bit me a bunch. From there, Doug took the stick and got the other kitten out. They are TINY. I think they are only 5 or 6 weeks old and someone dumped them instead of finding them homes. We brought them home and gave them some food and water and of course, now they're ours. We're pretty sure one is male and the other is female and we are naming them Mao (the boy) and Yin. They are currently residing in a big box Doug made in our bathroom cause I'm afraid if we let them out we'll never see them again. Keeghan is FASCINATED with the "mao's" as she calls them (that's the Mandarin word for cat) but isn't so good at being gentle. They are pretty sweet little things and we've heard both of them purr and meow a bit. They are eating and drinking so I'm pretty sure they'll be ok and maybe they'll be cuddly kitties since they're so little.
Once we got home and got the kitties settled there was another surprise in store. The kids didn't know, but my sister is in town this week and she had planned to come over yesterday. She got here a bit late (5:30ish) and the kids were very surprised (I guess you should know that she lives totally on the other side of the country from us so it isn't like a quick drive to come visit). So we got to spend Sunday night catching up with Auntie Lee.
A few pictures of the new kitties and Auntie Lee...
Mao and Yin

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