Thursday, April 23, 2009


I took some pictures the other night after I'd bandaged Keeghan. I figured I'd put them up so people who have no idea what I'm talking about when I say bandaging...can see. There are three layers of wrap to this process, a slip on "comfort" kind of sleeve, some batting sort of wrap (also a comfort layer) and then an ace bandage. Often times more than one ace bandage is used if more compression is needed. Keeghan should probably have a second layer of compression on her arm, but we barely have the patience for the first set so we'll stick with that for now. It's taken us a good two months to get to the point where Keeghan lets me wrap her without major fighting so we're making progress. Once the swelling is down, we move from bandaging all the time (though we'll still bandage at night) to maintenance compression garments. We've measured and ordered one for her leg (as she's been letting me wrap that longer than her arm and the leg wrap is MUCH easier to keep on all day). We have also ordered a garment for her arm that we are hoping can work for daytime compression so we don't have to try and figure out how to keep the bandages on.'s what it looks like:

Leg wrapped...
Arm and leg wrapped...trying to put on Kennedy's cleats

And clearly, it doesn't stop her!

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