That's become my motto these days. I'm not sure if it's not wanting Ma Ma to be away or teething or just being a baby but Keeghan seems to be waking up at least once a night these days. Some nights it's 15 minutes of once in a while whines, but some nights it's an hour and a half of wailing. I've tried the picking her up approach but as soon as she hits the crib again, the wailing starts and we don't go back to sleep any sooner. Given that, I've been pretty stuck to the going up to lay her down, pat her back, give her the "chewy", and tell her night night. I go up every 5-10 minutes while she's awake depending on the volume and sound of the if she's just fussing I'll wait longer but if she's all out wailing I'll go up sooner. I hope this is the right thing to do. I guess I should be glad it's just once a night and not every hour on the hour or all night long. I know it could be worse and I hope I don't do anything to make it that way. We're working very hard at keeping a regular nap/bed schedule as I know from experience doing that makes a difference and I'm sure Keeghan needs consistency. I'm thinking our trip and my return to work right after that has had some effect on the whole situation. We're trying to adjust to getting up with Ba Ba three mornings a week and me being gone most of Sunday morning. Doug has the big kids to help out so if Keeghan is not loving him at the moment he does have some fall back but I think we all know how frustrating an un-happy toddler can be! I came home this morning to everyone saying they were very happy that I was home. Not really sure how I was the cure all, but whatever. Hopefully we'll get through this quickly...if you've got any ideas feel free to comment!!
On that's a good thing Keeghan is damn cute....
No advice...but I love that last picture. She is adorable.
I don't have any ideas either, but I agree with Val.
Lots of help you guys are!!!
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