Friday, January 16, 2009

WAY too smart

So we taught Keeghan to sign "more" and "all done". Granted they are loose interpretations of the signs, but we know what she means. We figured it would help us out as far as food goes and so far we're right. Today, however, she was signing "all done" one second and "more" the next. At first I was a bit confused, but then I wondered if maybe she meant she was all done with one food but wanted more of another. It happened at lunch but I just passed it off...but then she did it again at dinner. Yeah she was all done with the bread but wanted more of the meatballs. Keeghan continues to amaze us at every turn!

We seem to be settling in more. Keeghan is now willing to walk down the hall away from me...especially if one of her siblings is there to play with. She doesn't get as upset about being new places and is sleeping better. She gets very excited to see Devon, Kennedy and Carson when they get home from school. She loves to woof like the dogs but loves to take her shoes and socks off in the car more. I often find her barefoot with the shoes taken apart when I go to get her out of the car. Oh, and I caught her eating dog food yesterday morning! I should have known better when she was being too quiet in the corner with the dog bowls. It worries me a bit she actually crunched it up and didn't seem to mind the taste. Good thing the dog didn't mind sharing.

And a few pictures...

My cute smile

Ok, we get this look once in a while and I'm not totally sure what it means, but it sure can't be good!

Bath fun

Cute in my hat

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What great pictures...She is such at cutie! Those pictures do her justice....but she is way cuter in person!