Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do I really look that bad?

Keep in mind this picture was taken on a snowday...all four kids at home and me without makeup and not having done my hair.

Ok, so twice in the past 36 hours I've had people tell me that I look really exhausted. I'm thinking that translates to "you look like crap" but no one wants to say it. I am tired, sure. I've got four kids and am trying to figure out how to parent the new one. But really, I'm not anymore tired than I normally am. Maybe it's the fact that I've lost a good 15 lbs since we got our TA in November? I had this problem before when I was at this weight where I was getting told I looked sick but how can it be that I'm at an ok weight and I look sick?'s not like I'm weighing in at 100lbs or anything! Ok, done to bed so maybe I don't look so tired.


Anonymous said...

You have a new baby. You are supposed to be tired. It's part of the hazing. I hope you feel ok, tho, and that the euphoria never ends. Love, A

Tami said...

I know, but I don't FEEL that just seems that I look like hell. I got that comment again last night at my PTO meeting :(